Sound Healer Training

The more I allow myself to surrender to the wisdom of the Universe the more magical places it takes me!
This weekend it led me to participate in a sound healing weekend course that turned out to be the basic module of a whole sound healing education, which kinda dawned on me half way through the weekend.
But it was the education I didn’t know I needed! I was in heaven the whole weekend for maybe the first time ever I don’t feel overstimulated after an intense weekend of learning. It felt so playful and fun, while also feeling holy and deeply moving!
I got to play a lot of new instruments and come home with two new ones to add to the family of instruments I’m slowly building, while of course also a lot more on my wishlist after this weekend – and I soon getting a harp and my Handpan baby is also slowly being born!
I’ve always felt strongly connected to vibration, sound and music and it’s not a coincidence that I chose the name “Samklang” for my business (btw, if anyone has a good translation of that Danish word, please let me know!).
Thank you Charlotte Bom / Yoga Hjørnet and Tina-Marie Nielsen for the gift of this beautiful weekend in sound heaven!
Here is a video of me playing with a Monocord:

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