

Kambo session 2

Another beautiful and deeply healing Kambo session by Caroliva Mollie Omkaris loving hand! It was way less intense this time and I had time and space

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ceremonial cacao

Cacao & sound healing

Just finished another beautiful cacao session and I’m landing with an open, touched and grateful heart! This session was very different from the last one and

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psychedelic therapy

Expression in ceremony

Another beautiful ceremony with The Holy Children is closed. I always feel so deeply touched and honored that I get to do this work! This was

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Kambo session 1

Today’s Kambo session leaves me feeling reset and grateful for this beautiful frog medicine and the people who hold space for it! Thank you Caroliva Mollie

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The Star Medicines

For a long time I swore off the “artificial” psychedelic medicines and felt that the “right” ones where the “natural” ones coming from the earth.

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Nyt! News!

My network of people is expanding these years and I’m in contact with more and more non-Danish speaking people not just from my travels but

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psykedelisk terapi

Chiric Sanango dieta

Hvordan sætter man ord på en af de vildeste og dybeste indre og ydre rejser i ens liv…? Siden jeg kom hjem i forgårs har ordene

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psykedelisk terapi

Ceremoni beretning

Jeg har travlt for tiden, med ceremonier og forberedelse til min forestående eksamen på Tantrisk Sexolog uddannelsen samt afrejse til Mexico kort derefter. Jeg er

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Samklang – Healing & Selvudvikling gennem Bevidsthedsudvidende Terapi

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